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Cold wind monitoring at Rondane National Park, Norway

Established in 1962, Rondane is Norway’s first national park. The region is very mountainous, with 10 peaks above 2,000 m and a maximum elevation of 2,178 m. Rondane plays a fundamental role in conserving local reindeer herds, and the park is also home to other large species such as musk ox and elk.

Norway cold wind speed measurement

Rondane National Park spans an area of 372 square miles. White Birch forests are the predominant vegetation in the lower areas of the park, and lichen is common in the upper and more arid areas of the park. Lichen is the main food source for the local reindeer population, which has an estimated size between 2,000 and 4,000 individuals.

The park has a network of cabins that provide lodging services for hikers, and there are also many private cabins. The client  contacted WindLogger to provide a weather monitoring system for a cabin found at 985 MASL. Three key variables were monitored: 

  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Ambient temperature

Weather Monitoring Results

The WindLogger unit started recording data on September 23, 2017, using 2 C type alkaline batteries. On the first 85 days of operation, the average temperatures were slightly below 0°C. The batteries were replaced on December 17, 2017, in preparation for the cold winter months.

Between December 2017 and March 2018, the median temperature was -8°C, with a minimum temperature of -25°C on February 2018. On the other hand, the highest recorded temperature was 28°C on May 2018. According to historical weather data for the measurement site, temperatures can go as low as -30°C.

The maximum wind speeds varied from 12 to 15 m/s. 

WindLogger is compatible with a wide range of sensor inputs, and its onboard memory can store up to 10 years’ worth of data. This makes the device very useful in applications where weather data must be collected for extended periods without human assistance.




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